hands put together to form a star

    Liberty SAC/PTO
    Our School Advisory Council (SAC) and Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) work actively to support the Liberty School Community. We urge parents to participate in these groups. Meetings are held monthly and are advertised in the school newsletter as well as here on our web site. Our PTO and SAC meetings are combined.

    Please contact the school at 255-7515 if you would like to be a member of SAC and/or PTO or for additional information on how you can help.

    School Advisory Council and Parent Teacher Organization
    in the Office Conference Room
    Sept. 12th
    Oct. 10th
    Nov. 14th
    Dec. 12th
    Jan. 16th
    Feb. 13th
    Apr. 16th
  • PTO News


    Please come to discuss new ideas, fundraisers, and areas you can help throughout the school. Thanks for helping our school succeed! We can't do it without you!!

    Box Tops

    We are always collecting Box Tops. 

    Please help by doing the following:

    • Trim Box Tops
    • Put them in a ziplock bag or on collection sheets
    • Write child's and teacher's name on the bag
    • Send them to school


    Help is needed to take pictures at school events. If you have any pictures from our school events please email to debra.nease@yourcharlotteschools.net.

    LES Shirts

    Don't forget that every Friday is Team Day. Wear your school shirts or red,white, and blue team colors on Fridays!