• Class Information

    Thank you to the parents that came for the student-led conferences. If you did not get a chance to come in, you can still schedule a conference. Please contact me and let me know.


    8:25-8:55 The students are responsible for putting their homework into the correct spot. They do morning work (Daily Analogies, Daily Oral Language, and Daily Oral Language Plus).

    8:55 Announcements and Attendance. Please make sure that your students are on time since I take attendance when announcements are on.

    8:55-9:35 Math iii. This time is for students that need extra help in their math lessons. The students will rotate into this group based on assessment scores.

    9:35-10:15 Specials. My students are divided into the other classrooms.

    Theriault-Daniel, Keiri, and Herminio

    Walsh-Lillee and Ashlyn

    Harvard-Randel, Lanna, Alyna, and Colston

    Walker-Daemon, Briar, Jayden R., and Evelyn

    Wincey-Nicholas, Joshua, Ethan, and Jaden W.

    10:15-11:55 Integrated Reading Block

    11:55-12:35 Reading iii. This time is for students that need extra help in their reading lessons. The students will rotate into this group based on assessment scores.

    12:35-12:45 Integrated Reading Block continued

    12:45-1:15 Lunch. Please feel free to eat lunch with your child.

    1:15-1:30 Math

    1:30-2:00 Structured Physical Activity

    Monday-Basketball Court

    Tuesday-Big Playground

    Wednesday-Little Playground

    Thursday-Basketball Court

    Friday-Big Playground

    2:00-2:55 Math continued


    There is a school-wide plan that includes a clip-up/clip-down chart. The student starts on green every monring which means that they are ready to learn. The students earn to move up or down using the clips and chart. If the child earns a 7 then they are an outstanding leader. This means that they demonstrated the 7 habits throughout the day and were an exceptional leader. This is the goal of every child. The following are designations of the following numbers and colors: 6 (pink) means had a great day, 5 (blue) means way to go, 4 (green) ready to learn. All of those colors are acceptable and will earn Eaglebucks to be used at the end of the semester. If the students forgot homework, misbehave, etc. then they will clip to the following colors and numbers. Three (yellow) means think about it, 2(orange) is a timeout and parent contact. Please make sure that you check their agendas because I will keep you updated in there. One (red) can be automatic if the child has hurt someone, etc. or if the child has made poor choices throughout the day. They will get a referral.


    I give homework daily Monday-Thursday. These assignments are extensions and extra practice of what we are learning during the day. The student will have a practice math sheet everyday. The following are spelling assignments: Monday-ABC order, Tuesday-pyramids, Wednesday-sentences, and Thursday-3x each and study for test. Also, they are expected to read twenty minutes a day. The students are expected to complete these assignments each night. They are responsible for turning them into the respective spot the following morning. The children write down their spelling words and homework in their agendas. Please check to make sure your child is showing you their agenda.  If your child is absent please be prepared to make up classwork. If your child is not completing seatwork, etc. in class then that will be sent home as well to complete.


    You are always free to call or email me. I will return your calls or emails as soon as I can. Parents are my priority and I love to hear from you. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to let me know. You can email me with the link below. I believe in open communication and I encourage it.