• Class Information

    Beginning of Year Newsletter

     Hope everyone had a restful Spring Break! I spent the break with a few days at Disney, went paddle boarding for the first time (now I'm hooked!), and running the Sarasota Half Marathon.  It sounded like our class had a great break as well!  

    This week we have been doing a team science experiment for the Science Fair called Paper Towels to the Rescue!  We are trying to find out which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent. Several teams formed the hypotheseis that Bounty would be the most absorbent while others thought Sparkle.  I know they are eager to let you know which paper towels you should buy. :) 

    As we enter the end of March we will be taking the FSA Language Arts and Math next week.  I will attach the parent letter that was sent home this week with all the info.  There is also a link (FSA Portal) on the DCE homepage so you can check out the test.  I am seeing everyday that these 4th graders are becoming independent learners and ready to give 100%. 

    FSA Parent Letter