• Class Information


    First Bell: 8:10

    WCUB begins: 8:30

    Tardy Bell: 8:35am

    It is very important to be here on time because we will begin MATH at 8:35am every morning.  It takes your child at least 5-10 minutes to get settled in every morning (getting to class, unpacking their backpack, handing in homework, sharpening pencils, etc).


    Our general homework pattern will be that your child will have Math and  Reading homework Monday-Thursday. This could either be a worksheet practicing the skill taught that day, 20 minutes of reading a book of your childs choice or going on the computer for 20 minutes on iReady or Reflex. 


    On Friday your child will bring home a Friday Journal where she/he has written to you; please write a letter back to your child and return the journal on Monday. 


    Sometimes our homework changes.  For example, if there is a book report, your child may not have a Reading sheet or a Math game may be sent home in place of a math worksheet. 


    We write our homework in our planners on Monday for the week.


    Please make sure to check your childs planner each night and initial each night. Notes from the teacher will be written in the planner.

    A Little Bit About Me:

    This will be my 14th year teaching. I have been lucky enough to spend all 14 of those years right here at Deep Creek Elementary!  I taught 13 of those years in second grade and 1 year in first grade.  I was born and raised in Charlotte County, attending schools in Punta Gorda and then on to Florida Gulf Coast University for my teaching degree.  I am married and have 4 feline fur kids.  I enjoy reading, boating and fishing with my husband,  and exercisig in my free time.


    I look forward to the 2016-2017 school year!

    Contact Information:

    Phone  941-255-7535

    Email  Jeanie.Trexler@yourcharlotteschools.net