• Welcome to the drama club, Thespian Troupe 0922! Our meeting dates for 2024-2025 school year:

    On the following Wednesdays - 8/14/24, 9/4/24,10/9/24, 11/6/24, 12/4/24, 1/8/25, 2/5/25, 3/5/25, 4/2/25

    All Drama club meetings take place in F108 from 2:30-3:30. 

    Join our Troupe Remind @CHS0922.  

    Visit us on social media:

    Instagram - charlottehighthespians

    Facebook - Charlotte Thespians

    Tik Tok - @charlottehighthespians

    Upcoming Productions and Events 2024-2025 (coming soon)

    All performances in CPAC

    Fall Play - Title TBA, 11/1-11/3

    Spring Musical - Title and Date TBA

    End of Year Drama Showcase 4/21/25 @ 6:30 PM