• Rules/Expectations:

    Arrive to class on time and ready to work.  

    When you come into the room, you need to put your phone in your bag and deposit your bag at the back of the room.  Phones are not permitted to be used at all during instructional time under a new state law.  This law will be strictly enforced.  

    Eat and Drink OUTSIDE the classroom.  Please do not bring food or drinks into the lab.  All food and drinks should remain in bags at the front of the room.

    Sign In/Sign Out is very important.  I need to know where you are at all times.

    Deadlines are important.  Just like in your future careers, you must meet deadlines set for you.

    Computers are for SCHOOL work.  Computers and Chromebooks are NOT for YouTube, games, social media, or other non-classroom related activities.

    Students must complete assigned work before participating in any other activities.

    Treat one another with respect.