• 香港六合彩直播开奖work is not graded in my classroom. You could even say it's optional. Crazy, right? Let me explain... I expect my students to work very hard during the day with me. I believe if they have given their all in class, then they should not be forced to do additional practice at home, especially when they may not have the resources or support available to complete the assignment successfully. This allows for our hardworking cubs to participate in after school activities and avoid those late night homework sessions/arguments that may erupt when parents and students are stressed or on a time crunch. 

    That being said I do post weekly practice activities on my  so that students can practice the skills we are working on in class at home. Additionally, students and parents can request additional practice focusing on specific skills if needed. Please feel free to reach out as I have plenty of resources available. There is also a list of websites and resources listed in the Class App or on Google Classroom for students to access at any time. Finally, students should be reading 20-30 minutes a night independently to prepare for weekly conferences that we will be having about their reading. If you would like to help your child with this, I would suggest asking them some questions about what they have just read to ensure comprehension (Who are the main characters? What problem are they dealing with? Where and when does the story take place? What do you think will happen next? etc.)