• Welcome to Environmental Science Honors!


  • Environmental Science is a year-long course designed to endow students with the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable them to apply scientific skills and processes on major environmental science concepts. Environmental science explores the interactions between humans and Earth's environment, and the science concepts needed to understand and critically think about current environmental issues.

    Students and parents join my Remind to stay updated:

    • Period 7: @89926e67kh

    • Period 2: @a32fk64a4h

    The class will be administered using Canvas.

    • If you are absent, please check Canvas for missed work.
    • Canvas is a web-based learning management system or LMS. 
    • For some students, this is their first exposure to such a system.
    • Grades will be posted using Focus. Even though Canvas does track grades, Focus is still the official grading program for 香港六合彩直播开奖. So, the grade in Focus is the students' overall grade  – the grade in Canvas tracks assignments, but again, may not be reflective of all course content. 

    Supply List

    • Pens
    • Pencils
    • Notebook paper
    • Graph paper
    • Colored pencils
    • Earbuds

    Classroom Policies and Expectations

    • Students are expected to be in their seat and ready to learn when the bell rings.
    • Come to class each day prepared with the correct materials and ready to engage in class discussions and activities.
    • The classroom must be clean at the end of the period before leaving (no trash in sinks or cubbies).
    • Be respectful of others. Raise your hand before speaking and be quiet while others are talking.
    • Students are encouraged to ask questions concerning topics they do not understand.
    • No food or drinks other than water in the classroom.
    • No rolling in chairs.
    • All electronic devices should stay in back packs.
    • It is the students’ responsibility to request make-up work in the event of an absence. The Charlotte County Code of Student Conduct allows two school days for every missed day to make up the work for an absence. All absences must be reported and explained by a parent or guardian within two school days after the students’ return to school.
    • Missed exams, tests, or quizzes will be rescheduled at the discretion of the teacher within two days of an absence.


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