•    Today’s families lead very busy lives. Outside of school, many students are involved in extracurricular activities that also help them to grow into well rounded people – sports, scouting, dance, etc. Your second grader will be working hard in school every day and needs to “sharpen the saw” and find balance by enjoying other pursuits as well. Therefore, the only regularly assigned homework this year will be to read at least 20 minutes each night.

    香港六合彩直播开奖work reading can be done

    • Independently
    • shared with an adult (you read a page, I read a page)
    • listening to a story read by an adult

    When reading fiction with your child, please take time to discuss the story and its elements – character, plot, setting and ask questions about what they can learn from the story. When reading non-fiction, talk about the main idea and the details that support that idea. This will help your second grader become a stronger reader which is the foundation of so much future learning.

    The homework reading needs to be recorded in the reading log in your child’s homework binder, indicating the date, the title of the book and how it was read. If you do more than one type of reading, please record them separately.

    Incomplete classwork may also be sent home to finish as homework to make sure that your child does not fall far behind.

    Your child will receive LiveSchool points for completing the reading log. They will be able to spend their points on special privileges such as having a rolling chair at their desk for a day or having lunch with one of the adult leaders on campus. This will hopefully motivate them to do more!