Do the Right Thing Awards

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    The Do the Right Thing of Charlotte County recognition ceremony was held on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at Punta Gorda Police Department. The following students were recognized:



    Evan Drake, Grade 10, Charlotte High School
    Evan Drake was recognized for helping an elderly citizen in distress. While on a bike ride, Evan noticed an elderly woman laying down in the front yard of an assisted living facility and immediately went to see if she was ok. She needed help. Evan knocked on the facilities door, but no one was answering. He went back to the elderly lady, helped her up, and he started walking her to the front door as staff came out to assist. That evening, the owner thanked my Evan for being so kind and helpful and allowed him to see the elderly women to check in with her. She was so happy to see Evan, and thankful. (Though she has dementia and may not remember today what exactly happened), I believe through her crying and tears that night she was appreciative. I was so proud of the way Evan handled the situation, his kindness, and wiliness to help anyone he can. I was even able to get a couple of pictures of them together that evening.

    Israel Hernandez, Grade 11, Charlotte High School
    Israel was recognized for notifying authorities of a friend in need. Israel received a series of text messages from a friend that they had had enough and were leaving school to commit suicide. Israel was extremely concerned but unsure of what to do. When he got to class, he immediately went to his teacher. His classmate, Richard, overheard him ask their teacher what to do. The teacher was not sure how to answer and thought Israel might be trying to avoid taking his exam: however, after a few minutes, Israel was still concerned and asked again. Richard stepped in and told Israel and the teacher he had a contact at the Police Department and wanted to call them. Richard was able to reach his contact, and the police took immediate action. It was discovered that the friend had left campus. Thankfully, they were found by the police and received the help and support they needed. Thanks to Israel's and Richard's quick thinking, initiative, and caring heart, their friend was located.

    Richard Lehmkuhl, Grade 11, Charlotte High School
    Richard was recognized for notifying authorities of a friend in need. Richard overheard his classmate, Israel, ask their teacher, "What do I do if a friend just texted me that they were going to go kill themselves right now?" The teacher was not sure how to answer and thought Israel might be trying to avoid taking his exam: however, after a few minutes, Israel was still concerned and asked again. Richard stepped in and acted. He stopped his exam, told the student and teacher he had a contact at the Police Department, and stepped outside the class to make a call. Richard was able to reach his contact, and the police took immediate action. It was discovered that the friend had left campus and was taking steps to carry out their plan. Thankfully, the friend was found by the police and received the help and support they needed.

    John Lewis, Grade 4, Sallie Jones Elementary School
    John was recognized for his assistance in a medical emergency. John and his father were fishing when his dad collapsed. John used his dad's phone to call 911. He waited with his father until EMS arrived and transported him to the hospital. His dad remained in the hospital through the end of that week. I am proud of John for remaining calm and knowing how to call 911. It takes a lot of courage and strength to provide support to someone during a medical emergency. John did so without thinking twice!

    Abayomi Walker, Grade 1, Meadow Park Elementary School
    Abayomi was recognized for being a respectable student. Abayomi comes to school every day ready to learn and is a significant help in the classroom. She follows all directions, respects others, and makes sure to do what is right. She speaks up when something happens and fixes what she can on her own or with the help of her peers. She is very independent and responsible for a kindergartner! Lucy is always so sweet and makes good decisions every day at school.

Past Honorees

Month Year Link to Press Release
September 2014 Press Release
September 2015 Press Release
September 2018 Press Release
September 2016 Press Release
October 2018 Press Release
October 2016 Press Release
October 2015 Press Release
October 2014 Press Release
November 2016 Press Release
November 2015 Press Release
March 2016 Press Release
March 2019 Press Release
March 2018 Press Release
March 2017 Press Release
March 2015 Press Release
January 2017 Press Release
January 2016 Press Release
January 2015 Press Release
February 2019 Press Release
February 2018 Press Release
February 2017 Press Release
February 2016 Press Release
February 2015 Press Release
December 2018 Press Release
April 2015 Press Release
April 2018 Press Release
April 2017 Press Release
April 2016 Press Release
November 2014 Press Release
April 2019 Press Release
February 2020 Press Release
December 2019 Press Release
November 2019 Press Release
October 2019 Press Release
March 2020 Press Release
February 2021 Press Release
March 2021 Press Release
April 2021 Press Release
May 2021 Press Release
April 2021 Press Release
May 2021 Press Release
October 2021 Press Release
December 2021 Press Release
March 2022 Press Release
April 2022 Press Release
May 2022 Press Release
February 2023 Press Release
March 2023 Press Release
April 2023 Press Release
September 2023 Press Release
October 2023 Press Release
February 2024 Press Release
March 2024 Press Release
May 2024 Press Release
April 2024 Press Release